General Notification

Departmental Notifications Published in H.P. Govt. Gazette

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Subject Number Date
Updation/upgradation of already empanelled CA firms 3-19/20-Coop-(A)-II 10/02/2025
Notification regarding additional charge to the post of MD HIMPROCESS COP-A004/14/2021-Co-Op-HP Sectt 05/12/2024
Office order dated 05-11-2024 7-156/2008-Coop(A&S) 05/11/2024
Notification regarding additional charge of the post of Managing Director (HIMPROCESS) COP-A004/14/2021-Co.-Op-H.P.Sectt 29/10/2024
Circular regarding audit of Cooperative Society 3-19/21(A)Coop(Audit)-II 23/10/2024
Appointment of Nodal Officer for implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 4-50/2005-Coop(Estt.) 07/09/2024
Additional charge of the post of General Manager, ICDP Una. COP-B0006/4/2021-Co-Op.H.P.Secretariat 20/08/2024
Additional charge of Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies, Dehra, Distt. Kangra. Coop-B(6)-1/2020-II 20/08/2024
Circular regarding Maximum Borrowing Limit fixed for PACS 5-60/91-Coop.(C&M)-IV 05/08/2024
Regarding HP Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Rules, 2024 notified vide notification dated 14-03-2024 published in Rajpatra (e-Gazette) on 15-03-2024 Coop-A(3)-2/2020 31/07/2024
Notification regarding Govt. nominee on the board of directors of the HP Fruit Growers Cooperatives Mktg. and Processing society Ltd. COP-A004/14/2021-Co-Op-HP-Sect. 05/07/2024
Detail of Chartered Accountant/Chartered Accountant Firms Empaneled with the Department. 3-19/2021- Coop (A) 10/06/2024
Order regarding nomination of Sh. Neeraj Sood, Addl. RCS (Mon.) as a member of selection committee. 5-13/2008-Coop.(C&M)-VII 10/06/2024
Office Order regarding appointment of Appellate Authority under RTI Act, 2005. 4-50/2005-Coop.(Estt.)-II 20/03/2024
Notification regarding amendment in HP Cooperative Societies, Rules, 1971 Coop-A(3)-2/2020 14/03/2024
Notification to upgrade six posts of Inspector cooperative societies to the post of DAO/DI Coop. B-1/2/2023-Coop. HP Sectt. 13/03/2024
Notification regarding Govt. Nominee (non-official) on the board of Directors of Bilaspur Distt. Cooperative Mktg. Fed. Ltd. COP-A004/8/2021-Co-Op. HP Secretariat 23/02/2024
Notification dated 15/01/2024 COP-A002/3/2021-Co-Op-HP. Sectt 15/01/2024
Office Order regarding appointment of Sh. Gaurav Chauhan, as Nodal Officer to review the progress of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendra. 5-13/2008-Coop.(C&M)-VI 08/12/2023
List of Chartered accountant/Certified Auditors/Retiree Auditors Empaneled by the Department. Coop.-A(9)-1/2021 09/10/2023
Office Order regarding appointment of Nodal Officer for PSG Act. 4-53/2016-Coop.(Estt.) 18/09/2023
Notification regarding Govt. Nominee of Board of Directors of The Kinnaur Distt. Cooperative Marketing & Consumer Federation. Coop-B(2)-1/86-II 04/09/2023
Office order regarding election programme of the Board of Directors of HP Milkfed 6-24/2023-Coop.(T&M) 27/07/2023
Office order to appoint Sh. Pratyush Chauhan, Dy. RCS, Mandi as Nodal Officer 5-13/2008-Coop.(C&M)-V 07/07/2023
Notification regarding additional charge of the post of Managing Director, HIMPROCESS to Sh. Gaurav Chauhan, Deputy Registrar (Eastern Division) COP-A004/14/2021-Co.Op-HP Secretariat 07/07/2023
Election progarmme for the election of BOD of the HP State Cooperative Milk Producer Federation Ltd.Totu, Shimla 4-6/2023-Coop(T&M)-Milkfed 07/06/2023
Notification regarding holding the additional charge of the post of MD (HIMPROCESS) COP-A004/14/2021-Co. Op-HP Secretariat 25/05/2023
Nomination of Sh. Moti Joshi, as Govt. Nominee (Non-official) on the board of directors of KCCB COP-F006/1/2021-Co-Op-HP Secretariat 01/04/2023
Directive dated 27/03/2023 5-13/2008-Coop(C&M)-V 27/03/2023
Office Order regarding up-gradation of the firm Harish Devesh & Associates. 3-19/21-Coop(A)-II 27/03/2023
Office Order regarding up-gradation of the firm Manocha & Associates. 3-19/21-Coop(A)-II 27/03/2023
Appointment of Nodal Officer to coordinate with CSC-SPV for the implementation of scheme for PACS. 5-13/2008-Coop.(C&M)-Loose 20/03/2023
Office Order regarding up-gradation of the firm PARKS & Co. No. 3-19/21-Coop (A) 02/03/2023
Office Order regarding up-gradation of the firm Manoj R Kumar & Associates. No.3-19/21-Coop.(A) 02/03/2023
Option for promotion to the post of BDOs from amongst Inspector Cooperative Societies. 4-62/96-Coop.(Estt.) 01/03/2023
Final seniority list of Joint Registrar Cooperative Societies, HP. Coop-B(9)-1/2003 23/02/2023
Approved list of Certified Auditors approved by the State Govt. to conduct the Audit of Cooperative Societies. 3-19/2921-Coop. (A) 07/02/2023
Directive regarding sitting fee & other facilities to the Chairman, BDO of Sunni Tehsil Cooperative Mktg. & Consumer Ltd Union 6-11/2021-Coop(T&M) 04/01/2023
Instructions regarding marking attendance in biometrics machines. 4-750/67-Coop(Estt.) 29/11/2022
Notification dated 20/10/2022 COP-E005/4/2021-Co.Op-H.P.Secretariat 20/10/2022
Notification dated 20/10/2022 COP-A002/7/2021-Co.Op.H.P.Secretariat 20/10/2022
Transfer order 4-20/2002-Coop-(Estt) 06/10/2022
Transfer order of Inspector (Rishu Naryal) 4-20/2002-Coop.(Estt.) 04/10/2022
Amendment in Rules relating to the terms of Employment and working conditions of the employees of PACS (Amendment 2022) 5-508/98-Coop.(C&M)-VI 03/10/2022
Regarding sitting fees, TA/DA and other facilities to the chairman and BOD of Una Distt. Cooperative Federation Ltd. 6-11/2021-Coop. (T&M)-Loose 26/09/2022
Option for promotion to the post of District Inspector/District Audit Officer. 4-6/95-Coop.(Estt.)-V 25/08/2022
Approved list of Certified Auditors approved by the State Govt. to conduct the Audit of Cooperative Societies. 3-19/2021(A) 08/08/2022
Modal Bye-Laws of FPOs 6-13/2021-Coop.(T&M)-Yuva Sehkar Kosh 06/08/2022
Office Order to appoint Sh. Rajneesh Kumar, Joint RCS (Credit) as Nodal Officer for implementation of the Scheme for Computerization of PACS. 5-20/2022-Coop. (C&M) 06/08/2022
Regarding YUVA SAHKAAR KOSH Scheme for FPOs Coop-F(10)-1/2022 30/07/2022
Corrigendum notice regarding notification dated 28/08/2021 Coop.3-19/21-Coop(A) 29/06/2022
Approved list of Certified Auditors approved by the State Govt. to conduct the audit of the Cooperative Societies. 3-19/2021-coop(A) 20/06/2022
Directive regarding enhancement of Mileage Charges by own/private vehicle within State to the non official members of the Bilaspur District Cooperative Mktg. & Consumer Federation. 6-11/2021-Coop.(T&M)-Loose 27/05/2022
Office Order dated 20th April, 2022 3-19/21-Coop (A) 20/04/2022
Office Order COOP-4/44/2021-ESTT. 11/04/2022
List of additional empaneled Chartered Accountants approved by the State Govt. to conduct the audit of Cooperative Banks/Institutions/Societies in H.P. 3-19/2021-Coop (A) 08/04/2022
Norms for sanction of working capital subsidy to coop-societies under SCDP and TADP 1-6/97-Coop.(P&D) 30/03/2022
Directive dated 22 March, 2022 6-11/2021-Coop-(T&M)-Loose 22/03/2022
Notice and application for for inviting applications from chartered accountants/chartered accountants firms for conducting the audit of Cooperative Societies/Institution. 3-19/2021-Coop.(A) 02/03/2022
List of candidates whose application forms for the post of Drivers have certain shortcomings 4-141/72-Coop.(Estt.) 16/02/2022
List of Retiree Auditors approved by the State Govt. to conduct the audit of the Cooperative Societies. 3-19/2021-Coop-(A) 14/02/2022
Directive regarding enhancement of Sitting fees, TA/DA and other facilities 6-11/2021-Coop(T&M)-Loose 01/02/2022
Notification Dated 14/01/2022 Coop-A(4)-7/89(S)-II-Loose 14/01/2022
Order dated 3rd January, 2022 5-508/98-Coop (C&M)-VI 03/01/2022
Auction Notice 3-53/98-Coop(Budget) 31/12/2021
Regarding creation and sanction of posts of JOA (IT) in each office of the Department. 4-37/2016-Coop(Estt.)-I 24/12/2021
Regarding Classification of panel of auditor for the audit of the Cooperative Societies 3-19/2021-Coop(A) 18/12/2021
Option for promotion to the post of District Inspector/District Audit Officer. 4-6/95-Coop.(Estt.)-V 16/12/2021
Instructions regarding 13th Session of 13th Vidhan Sabha 4-64/94-coop(Estt.) 02/12/2021
Notification dated 2nd December,2021 Coop-B(2)-1/2014-II 02/12/2021
Option for promotion to the post of District Inspector/District Audit Officer. 4-6/95-coop(Estt.)-IV 30/11/2021
Office Order dated 15th November, 2021 7-649/2013-Coop(A&S) 15/11/2021
Notification regarding R&P Rules for the post of Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies, Class-I (Gazetted) No. Coop-A(3)-1/2020 10/11/2021
Office Order for appointing Nodal Officer for Budget Estimate and Excess & Surrender Statements 2-37/2014-Coop.(Budget 25/10/2021
Regarding nomination invited for 25th Mahaveer Awards 7-6/2015-Coop(A&S) 06/10/2021
Regarding Lahaul Potato Growers Co-op Marketing cum Processing Society Ltd. 6-5/2019-Coop.(T&M) 04/10/2021
Regarding Audit of cooperative institutions/societies. 3-19/2021-Coop(A) 22/09/2021
Office Order dated 14th September, 2021 3-19/2021-Coop.(A) 14/09/2021
Office Order dated 7th September, 2021 3-19/2021-Coop.(A) 07/09/2021
List of certified auditors approved by the State Govt. to conduct the audit of the Cooperative Societies. 3-19/2021-Coop(A) 28/08/2021
List of Chartered Accountant approved by the State Govt. to conduct the audit of the Cooperative Banks/Institutions/Societies. 3-19/2021-Coop(A) 28/08/2021
Directive dated 27August, 2021 5-71/2009-coop.(C&M)-II 27/08/2021
Amended Act, 2020 147-Rajpatra-2020 10/08/2021
Amended Rules, 2020 Coop.-A(3)-2/2020 10/08/2021
Notice for inviting applications from chartered accountant for audit of Cooperative Societies. 3-19/2021-Coop.(A) 06/08/2021
Notice for inviting applications from retired Inspectors/DI/DAO/Officer of the Department of Cooperation for empanelment of auditors. 3-19/2021-Coop.(A) 06/08/2021
Office order regarding appointment of Nodal Officer for the purpose of cultivation and collection of medicinal plants. 4-68/18-Coop.(Assurance) 26/07/2021
Notification dated 01 July, 2021 Coop.A(4)-4/2005-loose 01/07/2021
Directive dated 29/06/2021 6-11/2021-Coop.(T&M) 29/06/2021
Office Order regarding amendment of Rules 14 (Employees welfare fund) 5-508/98Coop.(C&M)-VI 29/06/2021
Directive dated 14 June, 2021 6-11/2021-Coop(T&M) 14/06/2021
Directive dated 29/04/2021 6-11/2021-Coop.(T&M) 29/04/2021
Office order regarding DDO powers for the Financial year 2021-22 4-44/99-Coop.(Estt.)-III 12/04/2021
Reconstruction of panel non-official arbitrators under rule 89(2) of H.P. Cooperative Societies Rules, 1971. 10-80/84-Coop.(A&L) 05/04/2021
Clarification regarding Rule 8 of H.P. Primary Agriculture Cooperative Credit Societies Employees. No.5-508/98-Coop.(C&M)-VI 31/03/2021
Powers of collector for the execution of orders referred to in section87(1) of H.P. Coop. Societies Act, 1968. Coop.E(5)-1/2000-Vol-I 25/02/2021
Circular dated 24th February, 2021 6-4/2002-Coop(T&M)-IX 24/02/2021
Notification dated 01/02/2021 Coop-A(4)-3/2018 01/02/2021
Option for promotion to the post of District Inspector/District Audit Officer. 4-6/95-Coop.(Estt.)-IV 18/01/2021
Directive dated 16/01/2021 6-42/84-Coop.(T&M)-VIII 16/01/2021
Option for promotion to the post of Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies. 4-1/2005-Coop.(Estt.) 15/01/2021
DIRECTIVE Dated 18th December, 2020 6-42/84-Coop (T&M)-VIII 18/12/2020
Notification regarding registration of societies under H.P. Societies Registration Act, 2006 in online mode only. 7-6/2015-Coop(A&S) 16/12/2020
Notification regarding registration of cooperative societies under Act, 1968 in online mode only. 6-1/2000-Coop.(T&M)-Misc. 15/12/2020
Notification dated 11/12/2020 Coop-A(2)-2/99-(S)-V 11/12/2020
Notification dated 28/11/2020 Coop.A(2)-26/85(S) 28/11/2020
Notification dated 27/11/2020 Coop-A(2)-2/99-(S)-V 27/11/2020
Notification dated 26/11/2020 Coop.A(4)-5/95(Loose) 26/11/2020
Notification dated 02/11/2020 No. Coop.E(5)-2/87-II 07/11/2020
Directives 01 October, 2020 6-42/84-Coop.(T&M)-VIII 01/10/2020
Regarding revised criteria/parameters for condemnation of government vehicles of all make(s)/kind(s)-latest instruction thereof. Fin-F-(A)-(11)-11/2004 23/09/2020
Regarding withdraw the Directive issued dated 03/09/2020. No.5-60/91-Coop.(C&M)-IV 05/09/2020
Office order regarding appointment of Appellate Authority. 4-50/2005-Coop.(Estt.)-II 03/09/2020
Directive dated 3rd September, 2020 5-60/91-Coop.(C&M)-IV 03/09/2020
Regarding Inspections of the Multi State Cooperative Societies u/s 108 of the MSCs Act, 2002. No. 6-4/2013-Coop.(T&M)-Loose 27/08/2020
Office order regarding appointment of Nodal Officer No.5-21/2020-Coop.(C&M) 26/08/2020
office order regarding appointment of Appellate Authority 4-50/2005-Coop(Estt)-II 26/08/2020
Instructions regarding 9th Session of 13th Vidhan Sabha No.4-64/94-Coop.(Estt.) 24/08/2020
Notification regarding additional charge of the post of Managing Director, (HIMPROCESS). No.Coop.A(4)-15/88-I 22/08/2020
Option for promotion to the post of District Inspector/District Audit Officer. No.4-6/95-Coop.(Estt.)-IV 07/08/2020
Office order to adopt mechanism to verify the genuineness of the addresses. No.6-4/2002-Coop.(T&M)-X 29/07/2020
Notification dated 06/07/2020 No.Coop-B(5)-2/87-II 06/07/2020
Option for promotion to the post of BDOs from amongst Inspector Cooperative Societies. No-4-62/96-Coop.(Estt.) 16/05/2020
Regarding allotment of audit for H.P State Cooperative Bank Ltd,Shimla for the year 2019-20 No.Coop.3-978/78-a-XIII 08/05/2020
Regarding allotment of audit for the Jogindra Central Cooperative Bank Ltd,Solan for the year 2019-20 No.Coop.3-978/78-A-XIII 08/05/2020
Regarding allotment of audit for the Kangra Central Cooperative Bank Ltd,Dharamshala for the year 2019-20 No.Coop.3-978/78-A-XIII 08/05/2020
List of officers and officials deputed for duty w.e.f. 16.04.2020 to 03.05.2020 or till further orders, whichever is earlier 4-750/67-Coop.(Estt.) 16/04/2020
Instruction regarding 8th session of 13th Vidhan Sabha. 4-64/94-Coop.(Estt.) 15/02/2020
Notification Dated 17th January, 2020 No.Coop-B(6)-1/2019-Loose 17/01/2020
Notification Dated 01/01/2020 No.Coop-B (2)-3/2014 01/01/2020
Notification Dated 31st December, 2019 No.Coop.B(2)-1/86 31/12/2019
Regarding Nodal Officer under PSG Act No.4-48/2011-Coop.(Estt.)-I 23/12/2019
Notification dated 19th December, 2019 No.Coop.B(2)-1/86 19/12/2019
Instruction regarding 7th session of 13th Vidhan Sabha. No. 4-64/94-Coop.(Estt.) 26/11/2019
Final seniority list of Inspectors as per the observation of the Hon'ble High Court given in COPC No. 191 of 2017 dated 04/10/2019. 4-64/2003-Coop.(Estt.) 14/11/2019
Regarding Appellate Authority under RTI Act, 2005 No.4-50/2005-Coop.(Estt.)-II 13/11/2019
Notification dated 5th November, 2019 Coop-B(1)-1/2015 05/11/2019
Guidance regarding rule - 7 & 9 of PACS Rules. No. 5-508/98-Coop.(C & M)-V 02/11/2019
Notification dated 21-09-2019 No.Coop.A(4)-15/88-I 21/09/2019
Notification dated 17/09/2019 Coop.C(5)-1/2016-I 17/09/2019
Revised Check List for Registration of Societies (Off-line) under H.P. Societies Registration Act, 2006. 7-6/2015-Coop.(A&S) 31/08/2019
Revised Check List for Amendment in the Memorandum of Association and Bye/Laws under section 9, 10&13 of Societies Registration Act, 2006 7-6/2015-Coop.(A&S) 31/08/2019
Check list for lost Registration Documents 7-6/2015-Coop.(A&S) 31/08/2019
Notification Dated 21/08/2019 Coop-B(2)-2/2019 21/08/2019
Office Order Regarding Sexual Harassment Committee. No.4-61/2001-Coop.(Estt.) 06/08/2019
Office Directive No.6-27/2017-Coop.(T&M) 02/08/2019
Instruction regarding 6th Session of 13th Vidhan Sabha 4-64/94-Coop.(Estt.) 30/07/2019
Office Directive No.6-27/2017-Coop.(T&M) 24/07/2019
Regarding Rules relating to the Terms of Employment and Working conditions of the Employees of PACS, 2001 No. 5-508/98-Coop.(C&M)-V 09/07/2019
CIRCULAR Regarding functioning of Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies (PACS) in the State of H.P. No.Coop.3-813/77(A)- 04/07/2019
Office Order regarding Nodal Officer for implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. No.4-56/82-Coop.(Estt.) 27/06/2019
Notification regarding promotion order of Sh. Sudhir Chand Katoch, Deputy Registrar, Cooperative Societies to the post of Joint Registrar, Cooperative Societies. No.Coop.-B(9)-1/97-II 13/06/2019
Notification June, 2019 No.Coop.A(4)-15/88-I 11/06/2019
Notification 2019 No.Coop.A92)-2/92 10/06/2019
Instruction regarding e-mail IDs of Cooperation Department. 3-12/2012-Coop(B&A) 26/04/2019
Revised list of candidates for the post of Peons and intimation regarding date of verification of original documents. (OBC category) 4-56/2016-Coop.(Estt.) 27/03/2019
Regarding allotment of audit for Jogindra Central Bank Ltd, Solan for the year 2018-19 No.Coop.3-978/78-a-XIII 18/03/2019
Regarding allotment of audit for kangra Central Bank Ltd, Dharamshala for the year 2018-19 No.Coop. 3-978/78-A-XIII 18/03/2019
Regarding allotment of audit for H.P State Cooperative Bank Ltd,Shimla for the year 2018-19 No.Coop. 3-978/78-A-XIII 18/03/2019
Notification No.Coop-A(3)-2/2011 15/03/2019
Notification No.Coop.A(4)-2/2004-III 08/03/2019
Regarding 45 posts of Peons (Daily wage basis) intimation of date for Verification of original documents. No.4-56/2016-Coop.(Estt.) -I 08/03/2019
Notification No.Coop.A(4)-2/2004-III 08/03/2019
Notification regarding Grievance Redressal Officer No.Coop-A(3)-2/2011 07/03/2019
Instructions regarding 5th Session of 13th Vidhan Sabha. 4-64/94-Coop.(Estt.) 29/01/2019
List of selected candidates for the post of Peon reserved for OBC 4-56/2016-Coop(Estt.)-I 06/12/2018
Notification dated 28/11/2018 Coop.A (4)-1/94 04/12/2018
Instruction regarding 4th Session of 13th Vidhan Sabha No. 4-64/94-Coop.(Estt.) 27/11/2018
Notification dated 31/10/2018 Coop.B(6)-1/2015 08/11/2018
Notification Dated 30/10/2018 Coop.B(2)-1/86 02/11/2018
Notification Dated 17/10/2018 Coop.A(4)-3/2018 28/10/2018
Regarding Affairs of Adarsh Credit Cooperative Society Ltd. Ahmedabad No.6-4/2013-Coop.(T&M) 31/08/2018
Notification No. Coop.A(4)-16/88(S) 28/08/2018
Regarding 3rd Session of 13th Vidhan Sabha 4-64/94-Coop.(Estt.) 10/08/2018
Regarding 16 posts of Peons reserved for OBC, intimation of date for Verification of original documents. 4-56/2016-Coop.(Estt.) 10/08/2018
Additional charge of Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies Chamba. No.Coop.B(6)-1/2015-Loose 07/08/2018
Regarding e-mail IDs of field offices of Cooperation Department. No.3-12/2012-Coop.(B&A) 31/07/2018
Regarding the partial modification of the guidelines issued earlier on 13/05/2014 for registration of new PACS No. 5-41/2015-Coop(C&M) 25/07/2018
Auction Notification 3-63/98-Coop(Budget) 12/07/2018
Modified order of Inspector Training at Mashobra w.e.f. 04/07/2018 to 09/11/2018 4-26/2001-Coop.(Estt.) 03/07/2018
Sponsoring Inspectors for 23rd CMDC Mashobra w.e.f. 04/07/2018 to 09/11/2018 4-26/2001-Coop.(Estt.) 02/07/2018
One day hands-on training at HIPA dated 04/07/2018 No.4-3/2018-Coop.(Estt.) 30/06/2018
One day hands-on training at HIPA dated 05/07/2018 No.4-3/2018- Coop.(Estt.) 30/06/2018
One day hands-on training at HIPA dated 06/07/2018 No.4-3/2018 Coop.-(Estt.) 30/06/2018
Rain water harvesting for all Govt. buildings No.2-189/69-Coop.(B&A)-III 29/06/2018
One day hands-on training on dated 02/07/2018 at HIPA 4-3/2018-Coop(Estt.) 26/06/2018
One day hands-on training on dated 03/07/2018 at HIPA 4-3/2018-Coop.(Estt.) 26/06/2018
Office Order 31st May, 2018 No.10-124/90-Coop(A&L) 31/05/2018
Transfer order of Sh. Kuldeep Singh Inspector 4-20/2002-Coop.(Estt.) 21/04/2018
Transfer order of Sh. Sunil Kumar, Inspector from Directorate of Cooperation to Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies Shimla No. 4-20/2002-Coop.(Estt.) 20/04/2018
Statutory audit of branches of H.P. State Cooperative Bank Ltd. shimla for the year 2017-18 No.Coop. 3-978/78-a-XIII 05/04/2018
Statutory audit of branches of Jogindra Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. Solan for the year 2017-18 No.Coop. 3-978/78-a-XIII 05/04/2018
Statutory audit of branches of Kangra Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. Dharamshala for the year 2017-18 No. Coop. 3-978/78-A-XIII 05/04/2018
Transfer order Sh. Ashok Chauhan Distt. Audit Officer No.4-106/82-Coop.(Estt.) 03/04/2018
Transfer order of Sh. Vinod Kumar, Inspector Cooperative Societies posted at Development Block Mashobra 4-20/2000-Coop.(Estt.) 02/04/2018
Relieving Order of inspectors after attending one week training 4-56/2006-Coop.(Estt.) 15/03/2018
Writ Petition (Civil) No.1224 of 2017 of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. 4-61/2001-Coop.(Estt.) 09/03/2018
Office Order 4-109/92-Coop.(Estt.) dated 4th January 2001 4-109/92-Coop.(Estt.) 05/03/2018
Transfer order Sh. Satya Prakash, Inspector 4-20/2002-Coop.(Estt.) 26/02/2018
Ensuring presence of Government Servants. 4-276/76-Coop.(Estt.) 26/02/2018
Notice for Auction No. 3-96/2007-coop(Bud.) 29/01/2018
Regarding appointment of Sub-Nodal Officers for proper implementation of Public Service Guarantee Act, 2011 No-4-48/2011-Coop.(Estt.) 22/01/2018
List of Nodal/Sub-Nodal Officers under Public Service Guarantee Act, 2011 No.4-48/2011-Coop.(Estt.) 22/01/2018
Departmental order regarding acceptance of deposits from the nominal/non member by the PACS in H.P. 5-508/98 coop.(C&M)-V 19/12/2017
One week in house Training Programme for newly recruited Inspectors 4-56/2006-Coop (Estt.) 15/12/2017
Invoking section 41 of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1968 for providing information under RTI, Act, 2005 to the information seeker under RTI Act, 2005 No. 4-50/2005-Coop (Estt.)-I 16/11/2017
Online application submission for registration of societies under HP Societies Registration Act, 2006 NoCoop.C(5)-1/2006-I 28/10/2017
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year 2015-16 HPSCB 05/04/2017
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year 2015-16 KCCB 05/04/2017
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year 2015-16 JCCB 05/04/2017
Applicability of Section 41 of Coop. Societies Act, 1968 for seeking information under RTI Act 4-50/2005-Coop(Estt) 04/03/2017
Charge sheet of Sh. Praneet Kumar, Peon 4-33/98-Coop(Estt) 28/12/2016
Advertisement for the post of Peons 4-56/2016-Coop(Estt) 30/11/2016
Advertisement for the post of Drivers 4-141/72-Coop(Estt)-I 29/11/2016
Auction Notice (Gypsy(Petrol)) 3-32/2011-Coop(Bud)-II 22/11/2016
Service Rules of PACS (Amendments) 7.10.2016 07/10/2016
Instructions reg. Supersession of Board of Directors of Coop. Institution 10-8/71-Coop(law)-II 03/10/2016
Creation & sanction of posts of Jr. Asstt.(IT) in Deptt. 4-37/2016-Coop(Estt) 19/07/2016
Withdrawal of notification reg. Retirement age and exension in service in Coop. Socs. 5-508/98-Coop(C&M)-IV 06/07/2016
Terms & Conditions for empanelment of Chartered Accountants & approved list 3-37/96-Coop(Audit) 30/06/2016
Annual Action Plan of Audit of Coop. Socs. to be completed during 2016-17 Coop.3-12/94-A-IX 16/05/2016
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year 2015-16 HPSCB 25/04/2016
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year 2015-16 KCCB 25/04/2016
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year 2015-16 JCCB 25/04/2016
Terms & conditions of Retirees Auditos Coop.3-12/94-A-VII 08/01/2016
HP Public Service Guarantee Act, 2011 and Rule 4 of HP Public Service Guarantee Rules, 2011 Coop.A(3)-3/2011 07/11/2015
Selection of implementation Agency for implementing eGovernance in Co-operative Department 21/10/2015 21/10/2015
Reg. non-submission of statutory returns U/S 34 & 35(1) of H.P.Societies Registration Act, 2006 For all State level Socs./NGOs 10/06/2015
Reg. non-submission of statutory returns U/S 34 & 35(1) of H.P.Societies Registration Act, 2006 To all DC(Addl Registrar)/SDO (Dy. registrars) 10/06/2015
Proceedings of State Cooperative council meeting held on 7.5.2015 7-19/2007-Coop(A&S) 03/06/2015
Guidelines/notification regarding Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act,2013- in respect of NGOs/socs. registered under H.P Societies Registration Act,2006 4-61/2001-Coop.(Estt.) 15/05/2015
Agenda items for the meeting of State Cooperative council to be held on 7.5.2015 7-19/2007-Coop(A&S) 02/05/2015
Guidelines/notification regarding Sexual Harrassment of Women at Workplace Act,2013 4-61/2001-Coop.(Estt.) 21/04/2015
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year 2014-15 HPSCB 09/04/2015
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year 2014-15 KCCB 09/04/2015
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year 2014-15 JCCB 09/04/2015
Schedule of Audit fee Scale 3-12/74-Coop(Audit) 26/03/2015
Officer order reg.extention of Board in Mandi Coop. Urban Bank. 5-3/2014-Coop(C&M) 03/12/2014
Sample of Society Registration papers under H.P. Societies Registration Act,2006. Download Sample society 01/10/2014
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year2013-14 HPSCB 18/06/2014
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year2013-14 HPARDB 18/06/2014
Allotment of Audit to CAs for Coop. Bank Branches for the year2013-14 JCCB 18/06/2014
Norms for Registration of New PACS 5-41/2013-Coop(C&M) 13/05/2014
Kisan Credit Card Circular No. 5-60/91-Coop(C&M)-III 15/01/2014
Directions given by Hon'ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No.4691 of 2013 reg. Supersession of elected Committees No.10-Misc./Legal-II- 05/10/2013
Notification reg. Nominated Board of Direcors in Mandi Urban Coop. Bank. Ltd. Mandi 5-167/76-Coop(C&M)-II 16/05/2013
Directive for the Administrators appointed under section 37. 5-7/2003-Coop(C&M) 18/03/2013
Sanction of loan by PACS, accepting of deposits from members & clarification thereof 5-60/91-Coop(C&M) 14/09/2012
Contribution towards provident fund of employees of PACS 5-508/98-Coop(C&M) 31/07/2012
Sanctionof loans through Kisan Credit Cards 5-60/91-Coop(C&M) 24/06/2011
Time frame for service delivery No.4-9/2006-Coop (Estt) 27/10/2010
Redressal of Grievances of Govt. employees 4-9/2006-Coop (Estt) 27/10/2010
Sanction of Crop loan by PACS (Maximum Ceiling) 5-60/91-Coop(C&M) 21/07/2010
Model Guidelines for Amalgamation of Coop. societies under Section 14 and 14-A of H.P. Cooperative Societies Act, 1968. Download 01/02/2010
Directive regarding Recruitment/promotion in Cooperative Institutions 10-124/90-Coop(A&L) 11/12/2009
Notification 21/12/2006 No.Coop.A(2)-2/99(S)-II 21/12/2006
Credit dispensation & management of loans and advances by Apex. Coop. Banks and Distt. Central Coop. Banks in H.P Guidelines/ Regulation of loans advanced by the Financing banks to Coop. Socs. 5-109/76-Coop(C&M)-IV/ CS-5-60/91-Coop(C&M) 22/05/2006
Instructions regarding Submission of Audit notes/ Proper followup of statutory actions/duties of Deptt. officers/ officials for improving managemt of socs. Coop-3-32/95-A-IV/ 10-20/99-06(A&S) 29/04/2006
Instructions reg. functioning of Non Agri. Credit Coops. 6-4/02-Coop(T&M)-II 31/03/2006
Service Rules of PACS and Notifications 5-508/98-Coop(C&M)-II 28/03/2006
Instructions regarding Submission of Audit notes/ Proper followup of statutory actions/duties of Deptt. officers/ officials for improving managemt of socs. Coop-3-32/95-A-IV/ 10-20/99-06(A&S) 25/03/2006
Approval of Policy Guidelines of Small Hydroelectric Projects upto 5 MW 6-34/99-Coop(T&M)/ NES-F(1)1/2005 30/01/2006
Credit dispensation & management of loans and advances by Apex. Coop. Banks and Distt. Central Coop. Banks in H.P Guidelines/ Regulation of loans advanced by the Financing banks to Coop. Socs. 5-109/76-Coop(C&M)-IV/ CS-5-60/91-Coop(C&M) 04/01/2006
Giving gifts /Diversification of business by PACS/ Directive reg. functioning of Urban Coop. Banks/ Regulation reg. functioning of PACS in accordance with Coop. Act 1968 and instructions of RBI 10-124/90(A&L)/ 5-37/2005-Coop(C&M)/ CS-5-60/91-Coop(C&M) 04/01/2006
Approval of Policy Guidelines of Small Hydroelectric Projects upto 5 MW 6-34/99-Coop(T&M)/ NES-F(1)1/2005 19/12/2005
Giving gifts /Diversification of business by PACS/ Directive reg. functioning of Urban Coop. Banks/ Regulation reg. functioning of PACS in accordance with Coop. Act 1968 and instructions of RBI 10-124/90(A&L)/ 5-37/2005-Coop(C&M)/ CS-5-60/91-Coop(C&M) 24/08/2005
Giving gifts /Diversification of business by PACS/ Directive reg. functioning of Urban Coop. Banks/ Regulation reg. functioning of PACS in accordance with Coop. Act 1968 and instructions of RBI 10-124/90(A&L)/ 5-37/2005-Coop(C&M)/ CS-5-60/91-Coop(C&M) 17/08/2004
Redemption of share capital of the State Govt. invested in the share capital of various Coop. Societies . "Enhancement of optimum level." No.1-48/97-Coop.(P&D) 17/01/2003
Service Rules of PACS and Notifications 5-508/98-Coop(C&M)-II 27/04/2001
Guidelines & Procedure to be followed for registration of Cooperative Society underH.P. Cooperative Societies Act, 1968. Download
Service Rules of PACS (Amendments) 22.6.2002
Service Rules of PACS (Amendments) 16.11.2010
Service Rules of PACS (Amendments) 31.7.2012
Service Rules of PACS (Amendments) 31.1.2014
Service Rules of PACS (Amendments) 24-6-2016
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